How to Design a Killer Portfolio

When it comes to designing your investment portfolio, Wall Street takes an assembly-line approach.

They profile you for age, risk tolerance, and income needs.

It's a standard procedure, and a robot would probably do a better job at this part of the process.

Next, they put you in a category along with hundreds of other investors. The final step is to recommend a cookie-cutter portfolio that will probably fit you like an off-the-rack suit, without taking into consideration things like size, color, or fabric.

This course goes well beyond the cookie-cutter approach and shows you how to design a well-tailored portfolio that actually fits you.

20 Lessons



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Basic Investment Theory

One of the key resources we offer on ZenInvestor is a library of courses, most of which are free, to help you raise your investment game. Basic courses can be found under the "Investing 101" topic. Intermediate courses are under the "Advanced Courses" topic. And master-level premium courses are under "Master Level Courses."

9 Lessons



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Essential Skills

Every investor - from the buy & hold an all-index fund portfolio, to the hyperactive, 250 stock portfolio - needs a certain set of skills in order to be successful. This course describes the essential skills that virtually anyone can master with a little effort.

8 Lessons



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Who Are You (as an investor)?

One of the key resources we offer on ZenInvestor is a library of courses, most of which are free, to help you raise your investment game. Basic courses can be found under the "Investing 101" topic. Intermediate courses are under the "Advanced Courses" topic. And master-level premium courses are under "Master Level Courses."

7 Lessons



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Investment Strategy

There is no such thing as the perfect investment strategy. Each investor must decide how to approach investing, and choose a strategy or strategies that are best suited for their goals and expectations, and risk preferences. This lesson describes some of the most popular strategies in use today.

4 Lessons



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Intro to Critical Thinking

One of the key resources we offer on ZenInvestor is a library of courses, most of which are free, to help you raise your investment game. Basic courses can be found under the "Investing 101" topic. Intermediate courses are under the "Advanced Courses" topic. And master-level premium courses are under "Master Level Courses."

2 Lessons



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Advanced Critical Thinking

One of the key resources we offer on ZenInvestor is a library of courses, most of which are free, to help you raise your investment game. Basic courses can be found under the "Investing 101" topic. Intermediate courses are under the "Advanced Courses" topic. And master-level premium courses are under "Master Level Courses."

8 Lessons



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Creating Your Game Plan

One of the key resources we offer on ZenInvestor is a library of courses, most of which are free, to help you raise your investment game. Basic courses can be found under the "Investing 101" topic. Intermediate courses are under the "Advanced Courses" topic. And master-level premium courses are under "Master Level Courses."

5 Lessons



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