November 4, 2019

What happened last week.

What we're watching for next week.

The Stock Market Report

New highs. Solid employment report. Another rate cut. Shouldn't the market be even higher? Today I'm going to give the bulls the respect they deserve and not try to undermine the events of last week.

Chart 1. Happy days are here again

happy days s&p 500

Chart 2. Winners & Losers Year to Date

Asset Classes


  1. Precious Metals
  2. Real Estate
  3. Volatility
  4. Currencies
  5. European Stocks


  1. Agricultural Commodities
  2. Middle East/Africa Stocks
  3. Short-Term Govt Bonds
  4. Short-Term Muni Bonds
  5. Foreign Bonds

Chart 3.  Equity market sectors


  1. Technology
  2. Industrials
  3. Utilities
  4. Financials
  5. Consumer Staples


  1. Energy
  2. Health Care
  3. Small Cap Stocks
  4. Preferred Stocks
  5. Communications/Media

Chart 4.  Individual stocks


  1. Chipotle
  2. KLA-Tencor
  3. Copart Inc.


  1. DXC Technologies
  2. Macy's
  3. Nektar Therapeutics

Final Thoughts

Where next? Next week I'll be watching how well the bulls can maintain this great momentum. After a week that delivered a trifecta of bullish news, our attention will begin to shift back to more mundane issues, such as corporate earnings announcements, unemployment claims, retail spending for the holiday season, the trend of GDP growth both here and abroad, and so on.

The tone of my articles can often sound bearish, but my advice to clients reflects my caution for what lies ahead. If the economy or the market begin to show real and sustainable improvement, I will change my allocations to reflect that, and I will be open and transparent about it with my readers.

If you want more info about how to set up a solid Plan B, see my articles on the subject here and here and here.

For a full analysis of the probability of a bear market or a new recession, check out my Monthly Intelligence Report.  

As always, if you like what you see, or have suggestions for improving this recap, leave a comment below, or email me at

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About the author 

Erik Conley

Former head of equity trading, Northern Trust Bank, Chicago. Teacher, trainer, mentor, market historian, and perpetual student of all things related to the stock market and excellence in investing.

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